Sunday, April 26, 2020


Perseverance Quote by Confucius. (met afbeeldingen) | Citaten

" Age wrinkles the body, Quitting wrinkles the soul"

Douglas MacArthur urged us to persevere to preserve the soul while Confucius reminded us how each walking soul had learnt to rise from his falls. Many academic repeaters are fondly christened Ghazni Mohammed in memory of his persistent efforts to invade India and succeeding.

Aristotle, one of the greatest teachers who walked this planet reminded us

" We are what we repeatedly do, 
excellence, therefore, 
not an act 
a habit"

John Quincy Adams cast a spell on all the hurdles with these words

" Patience and Perseverance have a magical effect
 before which 
difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish"

James Whitecomb propounded that perseverance was the most significant factor of any success in these words

" The most essential factor is persistence - 
the determination never to allow 
your energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by the discouragement 
that must inevitably come" 

Margaret Thatcher pointed out the grim reality of life in these words

" You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it"

In the words of Sandra Kring

" The tiny seed knew that 
in order to grow
 it needed to be dropped in dirt, 
covered to darkness, and struggle to reach light."

Samuel Johnson credited perseverance for the success by stating

" Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance"

The iconic Winston Churchill held the view that 

" Success is the ability to go from one failure to another
 with no loss of enthusiasm"

No wonder it is often said " Perseverance Pays"

Good quote and rock climbing! -Laura | Challenge quotes ...

Thus, this series of A to Z was a lesson in perseverance which had to surmount issues of connectivity and thus being thankful that this dry run would be a good precursor to better attempts at blogging on the A to Z series.

The life lesson of perseverance, therefore, marks a significant chapter in this series. 

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